eBacheca.it - Bacheca annunci

Vendita - Ville e rustici Venarotta, inserito in data 25 Novembre 2013 00:00

Casa Semindipendente a…

Venarotta, Gimigliano localty, semidetached completely…

Venarotta, Gimigliano localty, semidetached completely restored house build with tuff. Composed by: living room with fireplace and kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and room. Complete the proprety storage of about 25 sq m and small cantine. The house has beautiful views on the Monti della Laga and Ascoli Piceno town as far as the sea.

Dimensione: 110 mq
Stanze: 2
Bagni: 1

Inserzionista: Ciccarelli Daniela

30.000 €

Telefono: 0736252002
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Inserito il 25/11/2013 00:00
Scadenza Annuncio: 31/05/2024 00:00