eBacheca.it - Bacheca annunci

Vendita - Ville e rustici Venarotta, inserito in data 14 Febbraio 2013 00:00

Casa a Venarotta di 242…

Venarotta Capodipiano localty, this townhouse located in a…

Venarotta Capodipiano localty, this townhouse located in a panoramic and quiet position, consisting of two apartments with balconies, set the first and second floor and cellar and storerooms on the ground floor. The apartment on the second floor completely renovated, while the first floor in part. The property is connected to water services and electrical systems. The property can be sold even split: Lot 1 consists of an apartment on the second floor and attic, cellars, balconies and plots to use as a garage, Lot 2 consists of a first floor apartment with balcony, cellar and warehouse.

Dimensione: 242 mq

Inserzionista: Ciccarelli Daniela

128.000 €

Telefono: 0736252002
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Inserito il 14/02/2013 00:00
Scadenza Annuncio: 31/05/2024 00:00